2 PIECE JIGSAW ART BY LOCAL ARTIST: Two pieces of local art. 1) MARIA ADROVET, ''Puzzle Girl'', Full size mannequin on round base with colorful jigsaw puzzle pieces applied as a full length dress. Approx. 73'' h x 21'' w x 18'' d. Included with this lot is a Summary of the Exhibitions and Shows and Art Competitions, with accompanying awards listed, from 2015 to 2017, with it's last known exhibition at the Mennello Museum, ''Our Identity''; THIS LINK WILL SHOW YOU MARIA'S JOURNEY https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMnUql-DGKkAGZAuCs2atKSoy45aMVuFQk0fqgU7Ya66tLrpWXquFa3lhR_obp9kw?key=M1ZBUFVudUZZNWM3LS02a2lKelNzTGR5TDd2R01n 2) KARLA GONZALEZ, ''Ghost Dance'', Sculpture of dancing male & female couple with applied silver painted jigsaw pieces forming the ballgown & man's head; on a rectangular wood base. Approx. 27'' h x 24'' w x 12'' d.
CONDITION: Gentle wear commensurate with age; some jigsaw pieces have detached.