19TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE PAINTING SIGNED COROT: An Estate fresh Oil/Canvas signed Corot lower right, measures 16.5'' x 21.5'', heavy period carved and gilded foliate motif frame are approx. 27.75'' x 35.5'', signed lower right, signature on this painting does not fluoresce. The family believes, as best recalled, that the painting descended through the family, beginning with Louis Potter Murphy, who owned clothing mills in New Bedford. In his later years, Murphy resided at 20 Highland Ave, Montclair, NJ. The consignor's great aunt, Margaret Jackson Murphy, was married to Louis Potter Murphy. An apparent gallery or art supplier label verso, as translated by Google reads: Purveyors to the late Z. M. den Koning and H. M. de Koningin-Moeder, gilding, blacks, etc. of all kinds of lists, baget lists, etc. galleries, batons and other ornaments. This painting signed Corot is being sold without any guarantee either expressed or implied.
CONDITION: Several touches of inpaint, small patch verso.